You Better Get Some Insurance, Baby
7 hours ago
You wrote that you used to write as Brian John Busby. Someone called Brian John Busby wrote for a Canadian TV show called "Time of Your Life". Are you that Brian John Busby?Yes, I am. A low-budget, low-rent teen soap, Time of Your LIfe was my first paid writing gig.
The Dusty Bookcase:A Journey Through Canada'sForgotten, Neglected, and Suppressed Writing
Amongst Thistles and Thorns Austin C. Clarke Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1965 |
Collected Poems Austin Clarke London: Allen & Unwin, 1936 |
2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke New York: New American Library, 1968 |
King's Explanatory Arithmetic Thomas King London: The Author [c. 1920] |
Merveilleux Voyage Lisa Moore Toronto: Harlequin, 1986 |
A Vision of Faery Land and Other Poems William Gibson Boston: Munroe & Co., 1853 |
Milk for Babes; or, A Catecism in Verse John Metcalf Northampton, MA: The Author, 1840 |
Execution Poems George Elliott Clarke Kentville, NS: Gaspereau, 2009 |
The Hasting Day George Frederick Clarke Toronto: Dent, 1930 |
David Cameron's Adventures George Frederick Clarke London: Blackie & Sons, [1950] |
David Cameron [David Cameron's Adventures] George F. Clarke [W. Joosten, trans.] Amsterdam: De Verkenner, 1953 |
In fact, Miss Cameron survived, dodging sailboats and steamers, only to succumb to pneumonia shortly after her return home to Victoria.Agnes Deans Cameron's Last Article"THE THAMES BY CANADIAN CANOE"
An increase of nine and three-quarter millions in population, a million and a half in dwellings, and three-quarters of a million in the number of farms would mean an increase in farm values of nearly two billions. And that's your particular "baby", isn't it? Increase your land values? Isn't that where you make your money? Isn't that the temptation that leads you into a new country?
She is best known for advancing the theory that America and Canada are simply states of mind, the former comparable to that of a schnapps-crazed Wehrmacht foot soldier and the latter to that of an autistic child left behind in a deserted Muskoka summer cottage playing with Molson's Ale cans, spent shell casings, and dead birds hung from the light fixture, who will one day become aware of its situation, go to college, and write novels. She is better known, among Margaret-watchers, for taking gross offense at the suggestion (in a crudely dittoed literary periodical) that she may have sparked an erection in a considerably more talented Canadian author who shall here remain nameless (see Glassco, John).That last sentence would've been my first encounter with Glassco's name. The incident described is one that demanded particular care when writing A Gentleman of Pleasure. Rosalie Abella, the lawyer Ms Atwood hired to go after the "crudely dittoed literary periodical", now sits on the Supreme Court.*