This index covers reviews that have appeared here and in the pages of the Montreal Review of BooksThe Walrus, The Dorchester Review, and Canadian Notes & Queries. French-language works appear with their original titles, though the majority were read in translation. For further discussion of these and other works  – pretty much the bulk of this blog – the search and label features should be of help.

Can't believe I've read that many Sandersons.

Peregrine Acland
     All Else is Folly

Ian Adams
     The Trudeau Papers

Norman Allan
     Lies My Father Told Me

Ted Allan
     Don't You Know Anybody Else?     
     Love is a Long Shot
     Willie the Squowse

Grant Allen
     An African Millionaire     
     Recalled to Life
     A Splendid Sin
     A Terrible Inheritance
     The Type-Writer Girl
     Under Sealed Orders
     What's Bred in the Bone
     The Woman Who Did

Leslie Allen - see Horace Brown

Ralph Allen
     The Chartered Libertine

Sol Allen
     The Gynecologist
     Toronto Doctor

J.V. Andrew

     Bilingual Today, French Tomorrow

Marie-Louise-Félicité Angers - see Laure Conan

Tom Ardies
     Kosygin is Coming
     Their Man in the White House
     This Suitcase is Going to Explode

Benge Atlee
     Black Feather

Rosemary Aubert

Phillipe-Joseph Aubert de Gaspé
Les Anciens Canadiens

Irene Baird

George Barker
     The Dead Seagull

Robert Barr
     A Chicago Princess [The Tempestuous Petticoat]     
     The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont
     The Unchanging East

Ulric Barthe
     Similia Similibus

Diane Bataille - see Selena Warfield

Sylvia Bayer - see John Glassco

Aubrey Beardsley
     Under the Hill

David Richard Beasley
Canadian Authors You Should Know

Jeann Beattie
     Behold the Hour     

H Bedford-Jones

Constance Beresford-Howe
     Of This Day's Long Journey 
     The Unreasoning Heart

Leonard Bertin
     Target 2067

Gérard Bessette
     La libraire

Margerie Bonner
   The Shapes That Creep

Hazel Boswell
     Legends of Old Quebec

Max Braithwaite
     The Mystery of the Muffled Man 
     We Live in Ontario

Doug Brendel

Mark Breslin

Martin Brett - see Douglas Sanderson

Gladys Milton Palmer Brooke
     Relations and Complications

Horace Brown
     Murder in the Rough
     The Penthouse Killings
     Whispering City

Jeremy Brown

     The First Original Unexpurgated Authentic Canadian Book of Lists

Joy Brown - see Joy Carroll

Matthew J. Brucolli
     Kenneth Millar/Ross Macdonald: A Checklist

Michael Bryan - see Brian Moore

John Buell
     Four Days
     A Lot to Make Up For
     The Pyx
     The Shrewsdale Exit

Herman Buller
Quebec in Revolt

Jacques Byfield
     Forever 33

Morley Callaghan

Jean Cardwell
     Crazy to Kill

René Carrier
     Fermez la porte, on gèle

Jock Carroll
     Bottoms Up

Joy Carroll
     In Passion's Fiery Pit
     Satan's Bell

Dyson Carter
     The Governor's Mistress

Philip Child
     Mr. Ames Against Time

John Clare
     The Passionate Invaders

Adrienne Clarkson
     A Lover More Condoling

Henry C. Clayton

Felicity Cochrane
     Margaret Trudeau

Ronald Cocking
     Die With Me Lady [Weep No More, Lady]
     High Tide is at Midnight
     The House in Brook Street

H.A. Cody
     The Girl at Bullet Lake

J.E. Collins
     The Story of Louis Riel, Rebel Chief

John Robert Colombo
     The Mackenzie Poems

Laure Conan
     À l’œuvre et à l’épreuve

Ralph Connor
     Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police    
     Glengarry School Days     
     The Man from Glengarry     
     The Runner

Ronald J. Cooke
     The House on Craig Street
     The House on Dorchester Street
     The Mayor of Côte St. Paul

Edmund Cosgrove
The Terror of the Tar Sands

Mrs. Everard Cotes - see Sara Jeannette Duncan

Michael Cowley
     The Naked Prime Minister
     Sex and the Single Prime Minister

Leo Cox
     Montreal in Verse

David Cronenberg

E.L. Cushing - see E. Louise Cushing

E. Louise Cushing
     Blood on My Rug     
     Murder Without Regret
     Murder's No Picnic

Enid Cushing - see E. Louise Cushing

Clark W. Dailey
     Soft to the Touch

William Davidson

     Return to Rainbow Country

Robertson Davies
     Stephen Leacock
     Thirty Years at Stratford

William Arthur Deacon
     The Four Jameses

Florian Delorme
     Les deniers émois

James de Mille

     The Lily and the Cross     

John Charles Dent
     'The Gerrard Street Mystery'

Marie-Antoninette Desrosiers - see Michelle Le Normand

Warren Desmond - see Dyson Carter

Dick Diespecker

W.S. Dill - see Madge Macbeth

Franklin W. Dixon - see Amy McFarlane; Leslie McFarlane

Alice K. Doherty - see Ted Allan

Malcolm Douglas - see Douglas Sanderson 

Milton Douglas
     Sin for Your Supper

Dorothy Dumbrille

     All This Difference 

Helen Duncan
     The Treehouse

Norman Duncan
     The Measure of a Man

Sara Jeannette Duncan

     A Daughter of To-day

Douglas Durkin
     Mr. Gumble Sits Up

Evelyn Eaton
Quietly My Captain Waits

Winnifred Eaton
     The Heart of Hyacinth

Keith Edgar
     Arctic Rendez-vous
     I Hate You to Death
     Incendiary Blonde

Hubert Evans
     The New Front Line

Alison Fay
      I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

Joe Fisher
     Skin Dive

Eileen Fitzgerald
     Expo Summer

Jack C. Fleming - Thomas P. Kelley

May Agnes Fleming
     Edith Percival
     The Midnight Queen
     The Twin Sisters
     Who Wins?

Hulbert Footner
     The Mystery of the Folded Paper

Linda Frum
     Linda Frum's Guide to Canadian Universities

Pamela Fry
     Harsh Evidence     
     The Watching Cat

Hugh Garner
     Present Reckoning 
     The Sin Sniper

Stephen R. George
     Grandma's Little Darling

Antoine Gérin-Lajoie
      Jean Rivard, économiste      
      Jean Rivard, le défricheur

John Murray Gibbon
     Pagan Love

John Glassco
     The English Governess
     Fetish Girl
     The Temple of Pederasty 
     Under the Hill

Douglas Glover

Elinor Glyn
Three Weeks

D.J. Goodspeed
      The Good Soldier

Charles W. Gordon - see Ralph Connor

Allan Gould
     Air Fare

Charles Ross Graham - see David Montrose

Hilda Kay Grant - see Jan Hilliard

John Gray

H. Gordon Green
     The Pillar of Fire [The Praying Mantis]

Ted Greenshade
     He Learned About Women

Claudius Gregory
     Forgotten Men

Armand Grenier
     Erres boréales

Edith Lelean Groves
     Everyday Children

Danny Halperin
     Death Be My Destiny     
     The Door Between
     Seconds to Go
     This Was Joanna

Ronald Hambleton
     The Secret of Jalna

Jean-Charles Harvey
     Les Demi-civilisés

Leo Heaps
     The Quebec Plot

Jacques Hébert
     Les Écœurants

William C. Heine
     The Last Canadian
     Sea Lord [The Swordsman]

Dan Hill


Jan Hilliard

     Dove Cottage

Ernie Hollands

Russell Holman
     The Story Without a Name

Raymond Holmes
- see Raymond Souster

Hugh Hood
     Strength Down Centre

Robert Allison Hood
     The Chivalry of Keith Leicester

Ainley Jackson
     Vancouver Aquarium Seafood Recipes

Gordon Johnston
     It Happened in Canada

Louis Kaufman
- see Dan Keller

Dan Keller
     Flee the Night in Terror     

Thomas P. Kelley
     Bad Men of Canada
     The Black Donnellys   
     The Fabulous Kelley
     No Tears for Goldie
     'The Soul Eater'

George W. Kerby

     The Broken Trail

Basil King
     The Abolishing of Death
     Abraham's Bosom
     The Dust Flower     
     The Empty Sack     
     Going West
     The Happy Isles
     The Inner Shrine
     The Letter of the Contract
     Satan as Lightning
     The Side of the Angels     
     The Thread of Flame  
     The Wild Olive

Fletcher Knight
     Daughters of Desire

Robert E. Knowles
     St. Cuthbert's

Gilbert Knox - see Madge Macbeth

Albert Laberge
     La Scouine

Gerald Laing - see Tedd Steele

R.S. Lambert
     We Live in Ontario

André Langevin
     Une Chaîne dans le parc      
     Poussière sur la ville

Florent Laurin - see Armand Grenier

Victor Lauriston
The Twenty-First Burr

Jane Layhew
     Rx for Murder

Stephen Leacock
     Behind the Beyond  
     The Hohenzollerns in America
     Winnowed Wisdom

Michelle Le Grand
     I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

Roger Lemelin
     Au pied de la pente douce
     Le crime d'Ovidé Plouffe
     Pierre le magnifique
     Les Plouffe

Kenneth Lemieux - see Kenneth Orvis

Michelle Le Normand
     Le nom dans le bronze

Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

Ezra Levant
Trumping Trudeau

Nicholas Loupos
     The Happy Hairdresser

Harold C. Lowrey
     Young Canada Boys With the S.O.S. on the Frontier

Madge Macbeth
     The Land of Afternoon
     The Long Day

D.C. Macdonald
     'The Ku Klux Klan to the Rescue'

Claire Mackay
     Exit Barney McGee

Isabel Ecclestone Mackay
     The House of Windows
     Up the Hill and Over
     The Window-Gazer

W.G. MacKendrick
     The Destiny of The British Empire and the United States

William Lyon Mackenzie
     The Mackenzie Poems

Lilian Vaux MacKinnon
     Miriam of Queen's

R. Henry Mainer
     Nancy McVeigh of the Monk Road

André Major

Alan Malston
     Strange Desires [Strange Desire]

Alberto Manguel
     Canadian Mystery Stories

Preston Manning
     "2018: The new health care"

John Mantley
     The 27th Day

Bernard Mara - see Brian Moore

Alan Marston - see Alan Malston

Stephen Mark
     Overnight Escapade

Claire Martin

Gerry Martin
     Too Many Women

Leonie Mason - see Joan Walker

Edward Maxwell - see Ted Allan

Arthur Mayse
     Perilous Passage 

Edward McCourt
     Fasting Friar

Jessie McEwen
     The Little Yellow House

Amy McFarlane
     The Phantom Freighter

Leslie McFarlane
     The Missing Chums

Kenneth McDonald
     Red Maple

Kimball McIlroy
- see Ken McLeod

Ken McLeod
     A Body for a Blonde

Arthur Meighen
     The Greatest Englishman of History

John Mercer - see Eric Cecil Morris

Judith Merril
     Shadow on the Hearth
     'That Only a Mother'

John Metcalf
     The Bumper Book
     Carry on Bumping

Kenneth Millar
     I Die Slowly [The Dark Tunnel]
     The Three Roads

Margaret Millar
     An Air That Kills
     Beast in View
     The Cannibal Heart     
     The Marathon Murder   
     Queen Kong
     The Sleeping Bomb

Maria Monk
     Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk

David Montrose
     The Body on Mount Royal
     Gambling with Fire
     Murder Over Dorval

Brian Moore
     A Bullet for My Lady
     Dear Departed     
     The Executioners
     French for Murder
     Intent to Kill
     Murder in Majorca
     Sailor's Leave [Wreath for a Redhead]
     This Gun for Gloria

Hopkins Moorhouse
     Every Man for Himself

Eric Cecil Morris
     The Squeaking Wheel
     A Voice is  Calling

Emily F. Murphy
     The Black Candle

Sinclair Murray - see Alan Sullivan

James Benson Nablo
     The Long November

Frederick Niven
     Old Soldier

David Ondaatje
The First Original Unexpurgated Authentic Canadian Book of Lists

Leo Orenstein

     The Queers of New York

Kenneth Orvis
     Cry Hallelujah!     
     The Damned and the Destroyed
     Hickory House

Martha Ostenso

     You Never Know Your Luck

Lucius A. Parmalee
     Confessions of a Bank Swindler

Jean Makins Pawley - see Ann Cardwell

Lester B. Pearson
     "…a distinctive flag which will say to the future: I Stand for Canada!"
John L.E. Pell
     The Canadian Doctor

Neil H. Perrin - see Danny Halperin

Clay Perry
     The Canadian Doctor

Bluebell S. Phillips
     Adopted Derelicts

Gordon Pinsent
A Gift to Last

Frank Rasky
     Gay Canadian Rogues

Olive Platt Raynor - see Grant Allen

Dickson Reynolds - see Helen Dickson Reynolds

Helen Dickson Reynolds
     Gold in Mosquito Creek      
     He Will Return

John Richardson

Morse Robb - see Lan Stormont

Marika Robert
     A Stranger and Afraid

Charles G.D. Roberts
     Barbara Ladd

George Robertson

Margaret Murray Robertson
     Christie Redfern's Troubles

Richard Rohmer
     Death by Deficit
     Separation Two

Jack Romaine - see Tedd Steele

Leah Rosenberg
     The Errand Runner

Olin Ross - see W.E.D. Ross

W.E.D. Ross
     Backstage Nurse  
     Lust Planet

Judith Rossiter - see W.E.D. Ross

Gabrielle Roy
     Alexandre Chenevert

Katherine Roy
     The Gentle Fraud

Anna T. Sadlier
     The Man from Nowhere

Douglas Sanderson
     Catch a Fallen Starlet
     Dark Passions Subdue
     The Deadly Dames
     A Dum-Dum for the President
     The Darker Traffic 
     Exit in Green
     Flee from Terror
     Hot Freeze
     Mark It for Murder
     Night of the Horns
     Pure Sweet Hell

Marshall Saunders
     Beautiful Joe

Annie G. Savigny

Alvin Schwartz
     Hot Star     

Les Scott

Margerie Scott
     The Darling Illusion
     Return to Today

R.T.M. Scott
     The Black Magician

Robert W. Service
     Ballads of a Bohemian
     The Master of the Microbe

Ernest Thompson Seton

Lionel Shapiro
     The Sixth of June

Carol Shields
   The Box Garden

Bertrand W. Sinclair
     The Hidden Places
     The Land of Frozen Suns

Gordon Sinclair
     Bright Paths to Adventure [Bright Path to Adventure]

Raymond Souster

Cherylyn Stacey
     How Do You Spell Abducted?

Robert Stead

Tedd Steele
     Artists, Models and Murder
     Torch of Violence

Donna Steinberg
     I Lost It All in Montreal

Lan Stormont
     Tan Ming

Mark Strand
     The Planet of Lost Things

Arthur Stringer
     The Devastator     
     The Shadow
     The Silver Poppy
     The Story Without a Name
     White Hands
     The Wife Traders
     The Wine of Life     
     The Woman Who Couldn't Die

Phil Strong - see Danny Haperin

Alan Sullivan
     The Obstinate Virgin
     What Fools Men Are!

Joan Suter - see Joan Walker

Fraser Sutherland
     John Glassco: A Personal and Working Library

Jules-Paul Tardivel
     Pour la patrie

Charles Templeton
     The Kidnapping of the President

Kent Thompson
     The Tenants were Corrie and Tennie

Robert W. Tracy - see Alvin Schwartz

Michel Tremblay
     Contes pour buveurs attardés

Mark Tushingham

     Hotter Than Hell

Miles Underwood - see John Glassco

A.E. van Vogt
     The House that Stood Still
     Masters of Time

David Walker
     The Lord's Pink Ocean

Joan Walker
     Murder by Accident   

Claire Wallace
     Mind Your Manners

Pamela Wallin
     Speaking of Success

Jude  Waples

Arthur Henry Ward - see Richard Rohmer

Selena Warfield
     The Whip Angels

Laura Warren
     No Place in Heaven

Frances Shelley Wees
     The Keys of My Prison
     Lost House
     M'Lord, I Am Not Guilty
     No Pattern for Life
     This Necessary Murder
     Where Is Jenny Now?

Garnett Weston

     Legacy of Fear

John Wesley White
     Arming for Armageddon
     The Man From Krypton
     Thinking the Unthinkable

W.H. Withrow
     Neville Truman, the Pioneer Preacher

Joanna E Wood

Grahame Woods
A Gift to Last

L.R. Wright

Laurali Wright - see L.R. Wright

Kendal Young - see Phyllis Brett Young

Michael Young
     Dirty City

Phyllis Brett Young
     The Ravine

Scott Young
     The Clue of the Dead Duck     

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