This index covers reviews that have appeared here and in the pages of the Montreal Review of BooksThe Walrus, The Dorchester Review, and Canadian Notes & Queries. French-language works appear with their original titles, though the majority were read in translation. For further discussion of these and other works  – pretty much the bulk of this blog – the search and label features should be of help. I've been really good with those labels. Really.

The Abolishing of Death - Basil King
Abraham's Bosom - Basil King
Adopted Derelicts - Bluebell S. Phillips
The Adventures of Jimmy Dale - Frank L. Packard
An African Millionaire - Grant Allen
Air Fare - Allan Gould
An Air That Kills  - Margaret Millar
Alexandre Chenevert - Gabrielle Roy
All Else is Folly - Peregrine Acland
All This Difference - Dorothy Dumbrille
Les Anciens Canadiens - Phillipe-Joseph Aubert de Gaspé
And the Town Talked - Martha Ostenso
Arctic Rendez-vous - Keith Edgar
Arizona Argonauts - H Bedford-Jones
Armand Durand - Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
Arming for Armageddon - John Wesley White
An Army Doctor's Romance - Grant Allen
Artists, Models and Murder - Tedd Steele
Au pied de la pente douce - Roger Lemelin
Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk - Maria Monk

Backstage Nurse - Judith Rossiter [W.E.D. Ross]
Bad Men of Canada - Thomas P. Kelley
Ballads od a Bohemian - Robert W. Service
Bannertail - Ernest Thompson Seton
Barbara Ladd - Charles G.D. Roberts
Beast in View - Margaret Millar
Beautiful JoeMarshall Saunders
Behind the Beyond - Stephen Leacock
Behold the Hour - Jeann Beattie
Bilingual Today, French Tomorrow - J.V. Andrew
The Black Candle - Emily F. Murphy
The Black Donnellys - Thomas P. Kelley
Black Feather - Benge Atlee
The Black Magician - R.T.M. Scott
BlantyreAlien - Alan Sullivan
Blaze of Noon - Jeann Beattie
Blencarrow - Isabel Mackay
Blood on My Rug - Louise Cushing
A Body for a Blonde - Ken McLeod [Kimball McIlroy]
The Body on Mount Royal - David Montrose [Charles Ross Graham]
The Box Garden - Carol Shields
Bright Paths to Adventure - Gordon Sinclair
The British Barbarians - Grant Allen
The Broken Trail - George W. Kerby
A Bullet for My Lady - Bernard Mara [Brian Moore]
The Bumper Book - John Metcalf, ed.

Canada - Brian Moore
The Canada Doctor - Clay Perry and John L.E. Pell
Canada 1962
Canadian Authors You Should Know - David Richard Beasley
Canadian Mystery Stories - Alberto Manguel, ed.
The Cannibal Heart - Margaret Millar
Caroline - Andre Norton and Enid Cushing
Carry On Bumping - John Metcalf, ed.
Catch a Fallen Starlet - Douglas Sanderson
"Cattle" - Edith Eaton
The Chartered Libertine - Ralph Allen
Une Chaîne dans le parc - André Langevin
A Chicago Princess - Robert Barr
Christie Redfern's Troubles - Margaret Murray Robertson
The Clue of the Dead Duck - Scott Young
Comeback - Dan Hill
Confessions of a Bank Swindler - Lucius A. Parmalee
Contes pour buveurs attardés - Michel Tremblay
Dale of the Mounted: Atomic Plot - Joe Holliday
The Damned and the Destroyed - Kenneth Orvis
Dark Passions Subdue - Douglas Sanderson
The Darker Traffic - Martin Brett [Douglas Sanderson]
The Darling Illusion - Margerie Scott
A Daughter of To-day - Sara Jeannette Duncan
A Daughter of Witches - Joanna E Wood
Daughters of Desire - Fletcher Knight
Dazzled - John Gray
The Dead Seagull - George Barker
The Deadly Dames - Malcolm Douglas [Douglas Sanderson]
Dear Departed - Brian Moore
Death Be My Destiny - Neil H. Perrin [Danny Halperin]
Death by Deficit - Richard Rohmer
Les Demi-civilisés - Jean-Charles Harvey
Les deniers émois - Florian Delorme
The  Devastator - Arthur Stringer
The Devil's Die - Grant Allen
Die With Me Lady [Weep No More, Lady] - Ronald Cocking
Dirty City - Michael Young
Discover Canada
"…a distinctive flag which will say to the future: I Stand for Canada!" - Lester B. Pearson
Do Evil in Return - Margaret Millar
Don't You Know Anybody Else? - Ted Allen
The Door Between - Neil H. Perrin [Danny Halperin]
Doors of the Night - Frank L. Packard
Doux-amer - Claire Martin
Dove Cottage - Jan Hilliard [Hilda Kay Grant]
A Dum-Dum for the President - Martin Brett [Douglas Sanderson]
The Dust Flower - Basil King

East of Temple Bar - Joan Suter [Joan Walker]
Les Écœurants - Jacques Hébert
Edith Percival - May Agnes Fleming
"Emmeline" - Arthur Stringer
The Empty Sack - Basil King
The English Governess - Miles Underwood [John Glassco]
Enough! - J.V. Andrew
L'épouvantail - André Major
The Errand Runner - Leah Rosenberg
Erres boréales - Florent Laurin [Armand Grenier]
Every Man for Himself - Hopkins Moorhouse
Everyday Children - Edith Lelean Groves
The Executioners - Brian Moore
eXistenZ - David Cronenberg
Exit Barney McGee - Claire Mackay
Exit in Green - Martin Brett [Douglas Sanderson]
Exodus/UK - Richard Rohmer
Experiment in Springtime - Margaret Millar
Expo 67: Souvenir Album
Expo Summer - Eileen Fitzgerald

The Fabulous Kelley - Thomas P. Kelley
Face-Off - Scott Young and George Robertson
Fasting Friar - Edward McCourt
Fermez la porte, on gèle - René Carrier
Fetish Girl - Sylvia Bayer [John Glassco]
The Fiend - Margaret Millar
Fire Will Freeze - Margaret Millar
Firebrand - Rosemary Aubert
The First Original Unexpurgated Authentic Canadian Book of Lists -
   Jeremy Brown and Christopher Ondaatje
Flee from Terror - Martin Brett [Douglas Sanderson]
Flee the Night in Anger - Dan Keller [Louis Kaufman]
For Maimie's Sake - Grant Allen
Forever 33 - Jacques Byfield
Forgotten Men - Claudius Gregory
Four Days - John Buell
The Four Jameses - William Arthur Deacon
The Four Stragglers - Frank L. Packard
French for Murder - Bernard Mara [Brian Moore]
Frustration - Henry C. Clayton
The Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale - Frank L. Packard

Gambling with Fire - David Montrose [Charles Ross Graham]
Gay Canadian Rogues - Frank Rasky
The Gentle Fraud - Katherine Roy
'The Gerrard Street Mystery' - John Charles Dent
A Gift to Last - Gordon Pinsent and Grahame Woods
The Girl at Bullet Lake - H.A. Cody
Gold in Mosquito Creek - Helen Dickson Reynolds
The Good Soldier - D.J. Goodspeed
The Governor's Mistress - Warren Desmond [Dyson Carter]
Grandma's Little Darling - Stephen R. George
The Great Taboo - Grant Allen
The Greatest Englishman of History - Arthur Meighen
The Gynecologist - Sol Allen

The Happy Hairdresser - Nicholas Loupos
The Happy Isles - Basil King
Hardscrabble - John Richardson
Hash Evidence - Pamela Fry
He Learned About Women - Ted Greenshade
He Will Return - Helen Dickson Reynolds
The Heart of Hyacinth - Onato Watanna [Winnifred Eaton]
Hickory House - Kenneth Orvis
The Hidden Places - Bertrand W. Sinclair
High Tide is at Midnight - Ronald Cocking
Hilda Wade - Grant Allen
The Hohenzollerns in America - Stephen Leacock
Home for Christmas and Other Stories - Scott Young
Hooked - Ernie Hollands with Doug Brendel
Hot Freeze - Martin Brett [Douglas Sanderson]
Hot Star - Robert W. Tracy [Alvin Schwartz]
Hotter Than Hell - Mark Tushingham
The House in Brook Street -Ronald Cocking
The House of Windows - Isabel Eccleston Mackay
The House on Craig Street - Ronald J. Cooke
The House on Dorchester Street - Ronald J. Cooke
The House that Stood Still - A.E. van Vogt
How Do You Spell Abducted - Cherylyn Stacey

I Die Slowly [The Dark Tunnel] - Kenneth Millar
I Hate You to Death - Keith Edgar
I Lost It All in Montreal - Donna Steinberg
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden - Michelle Le Grand and Allison Fay
In Passion's Fiery Pit - Joy Brown
In the Midst of Alarms - Robert Barr
Incendiary Blonde - Keith Edgar
The Inner Shrine - Basil King
Intent to Kill - Michael Bryan [Brian Moore]
The Invisible Worm - Margaret Millar
The Iron Gates - Margaret Millar
It Happened in Canada - Gordon Johnston

Jean Rivard, économist - Antoine Gérin-Lajoie
Jean Rivard, le défricheur - Antoine Gérin-Lajoie
Jimmie Dale and the Phantom Clue - Frank L. Packard
John - Irene Baird
John Glassco: A Personal and Working Library - Fraser Sutherland

Kenneth Millar/Ross Macdonald: A Checklist - Matthew J. Brucolli
The Keys of My Prison - Frances Shelley Wees
The Kidnapping of the President - Charles Templeton
Kosygin is Coming - Tom Ardies
'The Ku Klux Klan to the Rescue' - D.C. Macdonald

The Land of Afternoon - Gilbert Knox [Madge Macbeth]
The Land of Frozen Suns - Bertrand W. Sinclair
'The Lane That Had No Turning' - Gilbert Parker
The Last Canadian - William C. Heine
Legacy of Fear - Garnett Weston
Legends of Quebec - Hazel Boswell
The Letter of the Contract - Basil King
La libraire - Gerard Béssette
Lies My Father Told Me - Norman Allan
The Long Day - W.S. Dill [Madge Macbeth]
The Long November - James Benson Nablo
Lost House - Frances Shelley Wees
A Lot to Make Up For - John Buell
The Lord's Pink Ocean - David Walker
Love is a Long Shot - Alice K. Doherty [Ted Allan]
A Lover More Condoling - Adrienne Clarkson
Lust Planet - Olin Ross [W.E.D. Ross]

'The Mad Player' - Frank L. Packard
Maid at Arms - Enid Cushing [E. Louise Cushing]
The Man from Glengarry - Ralph Connor
The Man From Krypton - John Wesley White
The Man from Nowhere - Anna T. Sadlier
Manhandled - Arthur Stringer and Russell Holman
The Marathon Murder - James Moffatt
The March of the White Guard - Gilbert Parker
Margaret Trudeau - Felicity Cochrane
Marion - Winnifred Eaton
Mark It for Murder - Douglas Sanderson
The Master of the Microbe - Robert W. Service
Masters of Time - A.E. van Vogt
The Mayor of Côte St. Paul - Ronald J. Cooke
The Measure of a Man - Norman Duncan
Michael's Crag - Grant Allen
The Midnight Queen - May Agnes Fleming
Mind Your Manners - Claire Wallace
The Miracle Man - Frank L. Packard
Miranda - Jan Hilliard
Miriam of Queen's - Lilian Vaux MacKinnon
Miss Cayley's Adventures - Grant Allen
The Missing Chums - Franklin W. Dixon [Leslie McFarlane]
Mr. Ames Against Time - Philip Child
Mr. Gumble Sits Up - Douglas Durkin
Montreal Confidential - Al Palmer
Montreal in Verse - Leo Cox, ed.
More Joy in Heaven - Morley Callaghan
Morgan's Castle - Jan Hilliard [Hilda Kay Grant]
Murder by Accident - Leonie Mason [Joan Walker]
Murder in Majorca - Michael Byan [Brian Moore]
Murder in the Rough - Leslie Allen [Horace Brown]
Murder Over Dorval - David Montrose [Charles Ross Graham]
Murder Without Regret - E. Louise Cushing
Murder's No Picnic - E.L. Cushing [Edith Louise Cushing]
M'Lord, I Am Not Guilty - Frances  Shelley Wees
The Mystery of the Folded Paper - Hulbert Footner
The Mystery of the Muffled Man - Max Braithwaite

Nancy McVeigh of the Monk Road - R. Henry Mainer
The Naked Prime Minister - Michael Cowley
Neighbours - Laurali Wright [L.R. Wright]
'Nemesis Wins' - Grant Allen
Neville Truman, the Pioneer Preacher - W.H. Withrow
The New Front Line - Hubert Evans
Night of the Horns - Douglas Sanderson
No Pattern for Life - Frances Shelley Wees
No Place in Heaven - Laura Warren
No Tears for Goldie - Jack C. Fleming [Thomas P. Kelley]
Le nom dans le bronze - Michelle Le Normand [Marie-Antoninette Desrosiers]

The Obstinate Virgin - Sinclair Murray [Alan Sullivan]
À l’œuvre et à l’épreuve - Laure Conan
Of This Day's Long Journey - Constance Beresford-Howe
One Way Street - Dan Keller [Louis Kaufman]
Overnight Escapade - Stephen Mark

P.E.T. - Jude Waples
A Package of Postcards and a "Wireless"
Pagan - Jack Romaine [Tedd Steele]
Pagan Love - John Murray Gibbon
The Passionate Invaders - John Clare
The Penthouse Killings - Horace Brown
Perilous Passage - Arthur Mayse
The Phantom Freighter - Franklin W. Dixon [Amy McFarlane]
Philistia - Grant Allen
Pierre le magnifique - Roger Lemelin
The Pillar of Fire - Gordon Green
The Planet of Lost Things - Mark Strand
Les Plouffe - Roger Lemelin
Poems - Arthur Henry Ward [Richard Rohmer]
Poldrate Street - Garnett Weston
Pour la patrie - Jules Paul Tardivel
Poussière sur la ville - André Langevin
The Praire Wife - Arthur Stringer
Precious - Douglas Glover
Present Reckoning - Hugh Garner
Pure Sweet Hell - Malcolm Douglas [Douglas Sanderson]
The Pyx - John Buell

Quebec in Revolt - Herman Buller
The Quebec Plot - Leo Heaps
Queen Kong - James Moffatt
The Queers of New York - Leo Orenstein
Quest for Pajaro  - Edward Maxwell [Ted Allan]
Quietly My Captain Waits - Evelyn Eaton 

The Ravine - Kendal Young [Phyllis Brett Young]
Rebound - Dick Diespecker
Recalled to Life - Grant Allen
Red Maple - Kenneth McDonald
Re-entry - John Wesley White
Relations and Complications - Gladys Milton Palmer Brooke
Repent at Leisure - Joan Walker
Retaliation - Richard Rohmer
Return to Rainbow Country - William Davidson
Return to Today - Margerie Scott
Revenge! - Robert Barr
The Right of Way - Gilbert Parker
A Romance of Toronto - Annie G. Savigny
The Runner - Ralph Connor [Charles W. Gordon]
Rx for Murder - Jane Layhew

Sailor's Leave - Brian Moore
St. Cuthbert's - Robert E. Knowles
Satan as Lightning - Basil King
Satan's Bell - Joy Carroll
La Scouine - Albert Laberge
Sea Lord - William C. Heine
Seconds to Go - Phil Strong [Danny Halperin]
The Secret of Jalna - Ronald Hambleton
Separation Two - Richard Rohmer
Sex and the Single Prime Minister - Michael Cowley
The Shadow - Arthur Stringer
Shadow on the Hearth - Judith Merril
The Shapes That Creep - Margerie Bonner
The Shrewsdale Exit - John Buell
The Side of the Angels - Basil King
The Silver Poppy - Arthur Stringer
Similia Similibus - Ulric Barthe
Sin for Your Supper - Milton Douglas
The Sin Sniper - Hugh Garner
The Sixth of June - Lionel Shapiro
Skin Dive - Joe Fisher
The Sleeping Bomb - James Moffatt
Soft to the Touch - Clark W. Dailey
Son of a Meech - Mark Breslin
'The Soul Eater' - Thomas P. Kelley
Speaking of Success - Pamela Wallin
A Splendid Sin - Grant Allen
The Squeaking Wheel - John Mercer [Eric Cecil Morris]
Starmageddon - Richard Rohmer
Stephen Leacock - Robertson Davies
The Story of Louis Riel, Rebel Chief - J.E. Collins
The Story Without a Name - Arthur Stringer & Russell Holman
Strange Desires [Strange Desire] - Alan Malston [Alan Marston]
A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder - James de Mille
A Stranger and Afraid - Marika Robert
Strength Down Centre - Hugh Hood
Sugar-Puss on Dorchester Street - Al Palmer
The Swordsman - William C. Heine

Tan Ming - Lan Stormont [Morse Robb]
Tarboe - Gilbert Parker
Target 2067 - Leonard Bertin
'That Only a Mother' - Judith Merril
Their Man in the White House - Tom Ardies
Thinking the Unthinkable - John Wesley White
Thirty Years at Stratford - Robertson Davies
This Gun for Gloria - Bernard Mara [Brian Moore]
This Necessary Murder - Frances Shelley Wees
This Suitcase is Going  to Explode - Tom Ardies
This Was Joanna - Neil H. Perrin [Danny Halperin]
The Thread of Flame - Basil King
The Three Roads - Kenneth Millar
Three Weeks - Elinor Glyn
Too Many Women - Gerry Martin
Torch of Violence - Gerald Laing [Tedd Steele]
Toronto Doctor - Sol Allen
Touchable - Les Scott and Robert W. Tracy [Alvin Schwartz]
The Treehouse - Helen Duncan
Trumping Trudeau - Ezra Levant
The Twenty-First Burr - Victor Lauriston
The 27th Day - John Mantley
The Twin Sisters - May Agnes Fleming
"2018: The new heath care" - Preston Manning
The Type-Writer Girl - Olive Pratt Raynor [Grant Allen]

The Unchanging East - Robert Barr
Under Sealed Orders - Grant Allen
Under the Hill - Aubrey Beardsley and John Glassco
The Unreasoning Heart - Constance Beresford-Howe
The Untempered Wind - Joanna E  Wood
Up the Hill and Over - Isabel Ecclestone Mackay

Vancouver Aquarium Seafood Recipes - Ainley Jackson
Vanish in an Instant - Margaret Millar
Victoria - May Agnes Fleming
A Voice is Calling - Eric Cecil Morris

Wall of Eyes - Margaret Millar
The Watching Cat - Pamela Fry
We Live in Ontario - Max Braithwaite and R.S. Lambert
The Weak-Eyed Bat - Margaret Millar
What Fools Men Are! - Sinclair Murray [Alan Sullivan]
What's Bred in the Bone - Grant Allen
Where Is Jenny Now? - Frances Shelley Wees
The Whip Angels - Selena Warfield [Diane Bataille]
Whispering City - Horace Brown
White Hands - Arthur Stringer
Who Wins? - May Agnes Fleming
The Wife Traders - Arthur Stringer
The Wild Olive - Basil King
Willie the Squowse - Ted Allan
The Window-Gazer - Isabel Ecclestone Mackay
The Wine of Life - Arthur Stringer
The Winter of Time - Raymond Holmes [Raymond Souster]
Winnowed Wisdom - Stephen Leacock
The Wire Devils - Frank L. Packard
Wives and Lovers - Margaret Millar
The Woman Who Did - Grant Allen
The Woman Who Wouldn't Die - Arthur Stringer
Wreath for a Redhead - Brian Moore

You Never Know Your Luck - Gilbert Parker

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