25 December 2019

'A Christmas Fantasy' by Bernard Freeman Trotter

For the day, Christmas verse by a twenty-one-year-old Bernard Freeman Trotter, taken from A Canadian Twilight and Other Poems of War and Peace (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1917).

Happy Christmas!

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  1. Yet another young man who died in that miserable war, after serving less than half a year. (On a personal note, my grandfather was a sergeant in the British Grenadier Guards in the Great War and died relatively young due to health issues from being gassed.)

    BTW, there is a typo in Bernard's surname in the first paragraph.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Indeed. It's particularly sad to think that the young man who wrote that poem would see only five more Christmases. And to think that Trotter pushed so hard to join the war. (I was fortunate in that both grandfathers survived and returned physically unscathed. That said, the one grandfather I knew would not talk about the war - not even how he earned his Distinguished Conduct Medal. He served in the British Army's Machine Gun Corps. Such a horrible name.)

      Thank you for pointing out the typo. I've fixed it. This is why I value editors.

      Best wishes for the New Year to you!
