Herron’s Genre Contributions Recognized
41 minutes ago
The Pittsburgh Press, 23 December 1921 |
The Times Dispatch [Richmond], 23 March 1913 |
The Times Dispatch [Richmond], 8 November 1914 |
For know you, all girls and women who have wept and glowed and smiled over the poems of Arthur Stringer, that he is living a romance as sad and as surcharged with longing love as ever were any of his poems.
Caroline Adderson
Chris Arthur
Marc Bell
Emily Donaldson
Kathy Friedman
Douglas Glover
Jason Guriel
Kim Jernigan
David Mason
Susan Olding
Peter Sanger
Robin Sarah
Carrie Snyder
JC Sutcliffe
Jess Taylor
Anne Marie Todkill
Trudeau Ottawa: Deneau, 1984 |
Federalism and the French Canadians Pierre Elliott Trudeau Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1968 |
Sex and the Single Prime Minister Michael Cowley [Don Mills, ON]: Greywood, 1968 |
PM/Dialogue Keswick, ON: High Hill, [1972?] |
Conversations with Canadians Pierre Elliott Trudeau Toronto: University of Toronto, 1972 |
The Trudeau Question W.A. Wilson Montreal: Montreal Star, 1972 |
A Time for Action: Toward the Renewal of the Canadian Federation Pierre Elliott Trudeau [Ottawa]: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1978 |
Trudeau and Our Times Volume 1: The Magnificent Obsession Stephen Clarkson & Christina McCall Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1990 |
Memoirs Pierre Elliott Trudeau Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1993 |
The Ottawa Citizen, 7 February 1947 |