05 October 2013

Tecumseh: 200 Years

c.1768 - 5 October 1813
from Tecumseh: A Drama
Charles Mair
Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1886

04 October 2013

Gwethalyn Graham Memorial Plaque

A week today, 11 October, will see the installation of a plaque dedicated to the memory of novelist Gwethalyn Graham at the Writers' Chapel of Montreal's St James the Apostle Anglican Church.

Speaking will be
Norman Ravvin, Associate Professor and Chair, Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies, Concordia University
Claire Holden Rothman, author of Salad Days, Black Tulips
and The Heart Specialist.
The Venerable Linda Borden Taylor will officiate.

All are welcome.

Friday, 11 October 2013, 6 p.m.

Church of St James the Apostle
1439 St Catherine Street West (Bishop Street entrance)

A reception will follow.

30 September 2013

Not Our Backwoods, Not Catharine Parr Traill

Backwoods Hussy
Hallan Whitney [pseud. Harry Whittington]
New York: Original Novels, 1952