From Franges d'Autel (Montreal: n.p., 1900) |
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"Trouble is," Harris said, "we're stultityped in our thinking. All we can think of is growing wheat. Now I've been reading an article in the Reader's Digest that really has the idea."More trivia: The keen-eyed will have noticed that the second paragraph of the page spread above features an errant line ("wind hit southwestern Saskatchewan and melted most of"), which usurps the rightful words ("hour and a half to two hours' free time each day").
Pasta with Clam SauceIngredients
¼ cup olive oil
1 medium cheese clove, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
½ green pepper, chopped
2 5 oz. cans baby clams, minced
Parsley, chopped
Optional wine, grated Romano cheese
Sauté garlic in olive oil until dark brown, then discard. Add green pepper and onion to oil, and sauté until soft. Toss in a splash or two of white wine, then add the clams and their broth. When the sauce is thoroughly heated, scatter the chopped parsley onto it, and serve over your favourite pasta. Grated cheese may be added at this point.
Serves 4
WineTony Aspler provided the wine tip, but I'm left wondering about the parenting advice. After all, Mr D didn't appear to have any qualms about having son Chris around during the cooking.
Make sure the children are in bed, then open a bottle of Soave or dry Orvieto.
Canadian climate must have been changeable ever since the world begun,
One hour snowing, and the next raining like fun
An Address to My Fellow Citizens of Guelph
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Thomas D'Arcy McGee 13 April 1825 - 7 April 1868 RIP |
from Selections from Canadian Poets Edward Hartley Dewart, editor Montreal: Lovell, 1864 |
Detective Inspector Walter McDurmont of the Metropolitan Toronto Police homicide squad jockeyed his three-year-old Galaxie along Dundas Street East in the morning rush-hour traffic. He crossed the Don River over the Dundas Street bridge, swung left down River Street, made a right turn at Shuter, and stopped when confronted with the raised stop-sign of the school crossing guard at Sumach Street, near Park Public School.Lest you get lost, the book features a map that looks to have been ripped from a city directory.
Outside the Beatles' 19 August 1965 concert, Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. |