03 January 2015

Romance Turns Russian Nihilist Reluctant

Under Sealed Orders
Grant Allen
New York: Grosset & Dunlap, [n.d.]
194 pages

This review, revised and rewritten, now appears in my new book:
The Dusty Bookcase:
A Journey Through Canada's
Forgotten, Neglected, and Suppressed Writing
Available at the very best bookstores and through

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  1. I give you credit for going to great lengths to obtain these books.
    BTW, I just did a write-up on Toronto's on "Golden Amazon":http://www.spysafehouse.com/pulp/golden-amazon-world-beneath-ice-john-russel-fearn.php
    Never new before there was such a hero pulp!

  2. Nice to have the effort recognized, Tim. I like to think the collection will one day be worth a tenth as much to a university library as it does to me.

    And my thanks for bringing your piece on the Golden Amazon to my attention. I first became aware of her through the early Harlequins - The Golden Amazon, The Golden Amazon's Triumph and The Deathless Amazon - but have more or less ignored her because she was created by a Brit. Not that there's anything wrong that, but Canadian literature is my thing. There's just so much I can keep track of.
